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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Ted Kreinik (Chair), Donald Sharpe, Joseph Humeston, Robert Morey, Margaret Oliger and Wes Thompson Absent: Gino Scarangella
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Robert Rau, Consultant and Dan Holmes, Chairman, Sustainable Energy Commission

Chairman Kreinik called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Acceptance of Minutes: Mr. Humeston moved to approve the minutes of  the special meeting of September 29, 2010.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Pubic Participation: Dan Holmes spoke on how the Sustainable Energy Commission has worked to provide the Town with an alternative electric energy supplier and alternative clean energy for the public.  His Commission needs one more member.  The issues the Commission deals with effect all members of the community who consume energy.  They have hired an energy service contractor for the Town.  The would like a member from EDC, the Board of Finance, the Legislative Council and the Building and Site Commission to sit on their Commission also.  Their goal is to create an Energy Action Plan for Newtown.  They would like to look at projects that will save both money and energy, and possibly using grants that may be available so that the projects pay for themselves.  Mr. Thompson asked if the energy audit has a fee.  Mr. Holmes said there is an upfront charge that would pay for itself with savings in one year.  A discussion ensued suggesting the Town should look into motion sensors for night at its grounds and buildings.  Mr. Holmes encouraged the EDC members to sign up for the green energy plan.  The website is  The Town receives credits for each person who signs.  Solar panels are being added to Town buildings with the credits.  The next one will be at the Reed School.  Mr. Morey suggested partnering with the Reed PTA to get the word out and also connecting with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce.  Mr. Holmes stated that tax bills now contain notices publicizing the program.

One item of new business was addressed at this point.  It was brought to the attention of the Commission that consultant Robert Rau was appointed at a special meeting and it was not noticed on the agenda.  Mr. Humeston moved that Mr. Rau be appointed as a consultant to the Commission.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously approved.


Director of Economic and Community Development – Ms. Stocker reported that she attended three ribbon cuttings for businesses: Simply Baby and Kids, Union Savings Bank and Masonicare for its new rehabilitation rooms. She visited the following businesses: Berkshire Motors and Newtown Power Equipment.  Destination Newtown will be held November 9th from 2:45 pm to 7:00 pm at the Congregational Church.  She recommended the Commission place an ad in the program.  Mr. Humeston moved to purchase a full page ad in the Destination Newtown Program for $125.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously approved.  In budgetary items, the signage for the survey and the E-News Blast were paid.  She received several emails with positive comments on the survey and the links showed heavy usage.  She has arranged for an ad in The New England Real Estate Journal Fall Preview.  Sandy Hook Streetscape has been awarded a $100,000 STEAP grant.  The SHOP group will be meeting on Tuesday October 26th, and   Ms. Oliger will attend to represent the Commission.  Ms. Stocker will be attending the next meeting of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Committee.  It will be a question and answer session.  Mr. Kenny of A&S sent a revised contract which includes the whole Town and not just the Tech Park.  She has had a few inquiries for sites from a manufacturing company and a storage company.  She has been visited by a few residents with ideas for start up businesses looking for grant money and resources.  The Cultural Arts Commission would like a future meeting with EDC.  There was a fashion shoot by Barney’s of NY at Stratford Hall today.  Mr. Morey would like the press involved in any future use of buildings at Fairfield Hills.  Mr. Kreinik agreed   

Subcommittee Reports

Maximization of Sites for Economic Development – Mr. Thompson reported the committee has compiled a list of questions for commercial property owners in town.  He is attempting to find out more about the businesses and if they are advertising.

Business Advocacy/Retention – Ms. Oliger reported that they are collecting the  survey responses.  Signs promoting the survey are posted around Town. Mr. Sharpe distributed the questions to be used in interviews.  He said 102 responses have been received from the survey.  He would like 138 for a better sampling to get a proper ratio.  Scott Brier will be doing 20 interviews.  Some of the interviews will be with businesses that have left town.  He would like to speak to some commercial brokers to find out why their clients did not consider Newtown.  The EDC members were asked to personally contact businesses with the scripted survey and submit findings to Mr. Sharpe for inclusion into the survey data. The scripted interviews should give a different perspective than the emails.  The biggest complaint has been regarding signage issues.  Town agencies have received good feedback.  Mr. Sharpe distributed a sample to use to send letters to the Newtown Bee and Voices for publicizing the survey.  Mr. Kreinik said the signs will be up in town until November 11th.  Mr. Sharpe said the survey will be on-line for several more days.  The wording of the E-Blast will be changed.  Mr. Kreinik stated it would be good if the Commission had its survey report ready for the Legislative Council meeting in December.  Mr. Sharpe will have a rough draft for the next EDC meeting.

Evaluate /Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids/Social Media – Mr. Morey met with Ms. Stocker to discuss the needs of new businesses moving to town.  The resources are available but a more user friendly interface is needed, either on-line or in print.  This issue is going to continue to be worked on with Mr. Scarangella also.

Development of Tech Park – Mr. Kreinik reported that Bill Carboni had been asked to update  the maps and revise the report after the last special meeting.  The report has been submitted to the Inland Wetlands Commission.  The earliest the Inland Wetlands can consider the application is December.  Mr. Kreinik suggested that the Commission should review the report before the application is considered again.  The rest of the Commissioners agreed and Mr. Kreinik will obtain the reports so the EDC Commission can review the updates. A public hearing on the Techpark is expected in December.

Strategic Plan -  No report

Report from Consultant Bob Rau:  Mr. Rau reported that AFS has completed the acquisition of the building.  They are now modifying it.  Once the business is active, they will become the largest energy consumer in Newtown.
Old Business

Municipal Development Plan – Glen Chalders, the consultant from Planimetrics, is aware of the action being taken.  He is willing to come to a Commission meeting.

Plan of Conservation and Development -  Ms. Stocker attended the meeting of the Board of Selectmen.  They asked her to relay to the Commission the strategies that they were looking for input from the Commission on.  This item will be on the agenda for next month.

Sandy Hook Streetscape Program – Ms. Stocker reported that the Legislative Council will send the request for $1 million in bonding for 5 years to a Town Meeting.

Master Plan for Fairfield Hills Redevelopment – Mr. Humeston attended the meeting of the committee on September 27th.   The residential subcommittee did not report at the meeting.  They will not have a report until November.  Mr. Strunha did speak to the issue that residential development is needed to attract businesses and that there is a restaurant interested in a second location at Fairfield Hills if there is a residential component.  Mr. Humeston will continue to monitor this issue.

New Business – Mr. Kreinik reported that the Democratic Town Committee has two candidates for the EDC open positions.  They will be joining the EDC.

There being no further business, Mr. Morey moved to adjourn at 9:00 pm.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Mary Kelley, Clerk